The 18th CoderDojo Dazaifu, Japan! (Online)

Event Reports

November 26th (Sat), we held the 18th CoderDojo Dazaifu.
This time is again a hybrid of venue (Dazaifukan) and online (Zoom).
Eleven ninjas and six mentors participated and had fun.

Lecture by mentor, this time we asked Naoko to teach us how to draw Scratch sprites. Rather than drawing lines, the way the parts are put together like a puzzle, even people who are not used to using a mouse or pen tablet, or people like me who don’t have drawing talent, may be able to draw well.

I was also impressed by the fact that she searched for images and observed what she was about to draw and then drew them. And I was amazed at how much detail was put into the painting, even in the parts you can’t see. From the bunch of grapes, when you remove the fruit, the branches were painted with great detail! Let’s make a unique and fun piece of art by drawing your own sprites!

This time, there was a ninja challenging parents and children to distinguish between goo(rock), choki(scissors), and par(paper), while looking at a book borrowed from CoderDojo Fukuoka, “Scratchではじめる機械学習 ―作りながら楽しく学べるAIプログラミング”. They may have created a training model with biased photos or photos with few features that were not discriminated as expected, but now they should have known about what kind of material to prepare and let the computer learn.
Nowadays, even elementary school students can be exposed to the challenging field of machine learning if they reach out a bit. Even if you’re not an engineer, the days of people who are proficient in programming and AI seem to be just around the corner!
What kind of discoveries will the children make and how will they develop future through fun experience while imitating the written content, such as image recognition, speech recognition, and posture detection? I highly recommend this book!

We also had a first-time ninja who discovered the fun of Viscuit and seemed to have a lot of fun creating it, a toddler ninja with a big smile on her face after being taught very gently by an older ninja, and a wonderful two hours spent with great friends!

The next CoderDojo Dazaifu event is scheduled for October 31st (Sat) at the same location and online. We will have a limit on the number of people who can participate, and we may have to wear masks, but we hope to be able to use the computers, micro:bits, and other educational materials at CoderDojo Dazaifu.
Dazaifu is also a tourist destination, so strolling around while eating umegaemochi(梅ヶ枝餅) is highly recommended!

Please follow or friend us on Facebook and LINE to be notified of future plans. In addition to CoderDojo, we also communicate about other events and educational materials that may be beneficial to children.

I am glad if you can correct my strange English sentences.
Please tell me secretly by email or comment 😉 Thank you!!!

